Design For Nature: Symbiotic Design

Design For Nature: Symbiotic Design

“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson Biomimicry has provided us with invaluable insights which have led to some incredible design solutions. We’ve previously outlined...
Design By Nature: Biomimicry in Industrial Design

Design By Nature: Biomimicry in Industrial Design

At its core, product design is about solutions. Naturally, designers are always looking for inspiration, or new supplies, to add to their toolkit or “solution-space”[1]. However, some designers have found a more organic tool, which has the added benefit of generations...
Keeping the Economy Circular – The Realities of Recycling

Keeping the Economy Circular – The Realities of Recycling

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. We’ve all heard this phrase repeated to us throughout the last couple of decades. Yet, while this has become a common rhetoric, there has been limited improvement in our waste management efforts. In fact, recycling (or the lack of) has become...