Meet the Polyethylene’s

Meet the Polyethylene’s

There are many types of plastic. Although, whilst they are part of the same complex and dynamic family tree, it is filled with versatile and unique branches (you can read more about them here). Polyethylene is one of the most popular plastics, and, like many other...
Moulding Through the Ages

Moulding Through the Ages

A mould, or a tool, is a hollowed block with a purposely shaped cavity which material is poured into to take its shape. Manufacturing with a mould is typically called casting, however with plastic, the more common term is moulding. You can learn more about the various...
How Additives Changed the Narrative

How Additives Changed the Narrative

Plastic isn’t perfect; all plastic types come with their natural limitations, and finding the right material that accounts for user considerations is an important step in product development. However, plastic has also evolved significantly since its early test tube...
The Plastics Family

The Plastics Family

Plastic is everywhere. Starting from billiards, and now featured across billboards, plastics has dominated the manufacturing industry and transformed society into the shiny and durable landscape it is today. This has naturally come with consequences (click here to...
Foam, Sweet Foam

Foam, Sweet Foam

Each product we run here at Rotadyne is unique. Working with a wide array of industries means versatility is essential to fulfil a diverse set of custom requirements, and one of the many ways Rotadyne achieves this is with our flare for flexible manufacturing. An...