Design For Nature: Symbiotic Design

Design For Nature: Symbiotic Design

“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson Biomimicry has provided us with invaluable insights which have led to some incredible design solutions. We’ve previously outlined...
Design By Nature: Biomimicry in Industrial Design

Design By Nature: Biomimicry in Industrial Design

At its core, product design is about solutions. Naturally, designers are always looking for inspiration, or new supplies, to add to their toolkit or “solution-space”[1]. However, some designers have found a more organic tool, which has the added benefit of generations...
Rotadyne Attends the ARMA Rotational Moulding Conference 2022

Rotadyne Attends the ARMA Rotational Moulding Conference 2022

It’s been three years since ARMA members have come together to share updates, stories, innovations, and laughs. Having only joined this industry myself about two years ago, I had only heard stories of the previous (and apparently epic) conferences which had taken...
Rotadyne Joins with JAMAC Plastics

Rotadyne Joins with JAMAC Plastics

In June of 2021, a union was formed between the perfect, plastic pair. Rotadyne is always seeking opportunities to expand our capabilities and subsequentially what we can offer our clients in their manufacturing journeys. This is how we stumbled across JAMAC’s...
Getting Started with 3D Printing (Featuring PCA)

Getting Started with 3D Printing (Featuring PCA)

3D Printing, rapid prototyping, computer aided design, flexibility, sustainability. We heard the buzzwords. But what’s with all the fuss? On the 15th of March, 2021, Rotadyne staff members Jessica Pani (Intern Industrial Designer) and Caroline da Silva (Junior...
Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing Processes

Starting up a product-oriented business is more than just finding gaps in the marketplace and assessing the industry’s climate. An enormous part of the process is the creation of the product itself, which includes both design elements, and importantly, its...
Meet the Polyethylene’s

Meet the Polyethylene’s

There are many types of plastic. Although, whilst they are part of the same complex and dynamic family tree, it is filled with versatile and unique branches (you can read more about them here). Polyethylene is one of the most popular plastics, and, like many other...
How Additives Changed the Narrative

How Additives Changed the Narrative

Plastic isn’t perfect; all plastic types come with their natural limitations, and finding the right material that accounts for user considerations is an important step in product development. However, plastic has also evolved significantly since its early test tube...
The Pallet Perspective

The Pallet Perspective

For years, manufacturing industries around the globe have held an unsung hero. It is often overlooked, underestimated and most of all, underappreciated. The history of production, whether in plastics or agriculture, has literally ridden on its shoulders since its...
Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Manufacturing is no walk in the park. Today’s marketing climate seems to be paced more at a constant sprint, from the product design and development, to manufacturing and retail. Having to also manage the health and performance of your external assets can also have...
The Plastics Family

The Plastics Family

Plastic is everywhere. Starting from billiards, and now featured across billboards, plastics has dominated the manufacturing industry and transformed society into the shiny and durable landscape it is today. This has naturally come with consequences (click here to...
Moulding Methods

Moulding Methods

Moulding is an ancient practice which has been used for generations across cultures. It describes the process of creating objects by melting the chosen material into a pliable form, and then shaping it into the desired shape using a rigid frame which holds it into...